Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Musée du Louvre..

This entry was supposed to be posted before my last 2 entries, but since dah terexcited snow turun terus terlupa nak publish this entry. sampai makcik aku dah balik baru teringat. hehe. anyway enjoy the pics!

Louvre Museum, gosh I love the place!! nanti nak masuk lagi sekali!! =)

Entering the Napoleon III apartments..

aku pun taktau apa motif aku amik gambar patung2 semua si akmal la punya hal..gara-gara Montesquieu dan doktrin nya..aku dgn adib dikerah oleh mak mencari dol tu..kelamkabut..hahaaa..

under the pyramid bersama si kecil.. =)

from left: my aunty, me, my cousins, my mum and my brother..

Original painting of Mona Lisa..perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the world..dapat amik dari tepi je..terlalulah ramai manusia..tak dapat nak amik betul2 kat tengah2..this portrait depicts a woman whose facial expression is often described as mysterious..if you guys notice kalau snap gambar minah ni dari angle mana pun dia tetap akan pandang kita..or in other words described as "her gaze is fixed on the observer and seems to welcome them to this silent communication"..sebab tu ada orang kata Monalisa ni berhantu..hahaha..ntah ye ntah tidak taktaulah aku..perasan tak dia takde eyebrows and eyelashes? Leonardo da Vinci was just a spectacular artist.. =)

Lawa kan painting ni..tapi semua tengok kat Monalisa jugak, wanita yg tak pernah wujud itu..haihh..tapi aku pun admire gak sebenarnya dgn lukisan monalisa ni..hihi..she is just amazing..

take a break!

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