Paris/Gare du Nord, the busiest railway station in Europe, the third busiest in the world after Shinjuku & Ikebukuro station in Tokyo, or so they've said. I have been to Shinjuku station, yes it was a very busy place, but tak rasa sesak know why? Because Japanese walk very fast yet tersusun, as if time is really precious to them, but Parisians? They walk very fast but kelam-kabuuuuuuttt!! as if macam dah terlambaaaaaaaat sangat2 nak pegi ke satu2 tempat! Anyway the 3-hour journey from Paris by train stopped at Brussel, Antwerpen (they did the dance clip at this station!-akmal, take note, *wink*), Rotterdam & Schiphol Airport, before stopping at Amsterdam Centraal..
Amsterdam is the largest city of the Netherlands situated in North Holland, bicycle-friendly city & driving a car here is discouraged. When we arrived, we went to its central square, riding the tram (they have their trams built all over Amsterdam), tak banyak jalan2 utk kete..aku mmg tak reti nak lintas jalan kat situ..trams, bicycles, cars, sume dalam satu jalan..
The Dam Square..
Floating flower market..
Holland's, or shall I say The Netherlands' trademark..
Holland's traditional waffles..I luv 'em!!
cuba teka ni apa..i bought the small one.. =)
Lepas jln2 kat Amsterdam kami pun bertolak ke Leiden, a city situated in South Holland..took only half an hour by train to Leiden Centraal..
Leiden main street..
View from our hotel..
One of the good facilities for cyclists..
Leiden University..well, actually inilah tujuan sebenar aku datang ke sini..thehihihihi..
The Library..met a Dutch who speaks Indonesian! aku mcm blur kejap bila mat saleh tinggi lampai tu dtg kat aku ckp indon..hahaaa..well..he's married to an Indonesian no wonder..
See the Indonesian word? memang banyak perkataan Indon di sini yg digunapakai oleh orang2 Belanda..tapi aku rasa Indon yg cedok dari dia, sbb dia yg jajah indon..ntahlaaa..yg penting my trip to Leiden reminds me of my home summore!!a lot of Asian restaurants..keluar2 hotel restoran indon sebelah tu je..jumpa tempe, sambal petai..nyammmyyy..
Inilah sungai2 yg membeku yg aku lalu untuk sampai ke library..thanks to Dr. Fauzi for showing me around the city & thanks to Dr. Wan & family for inviting me to their place.. =)
Before going back to Paris, we went for a canal cruise in Amsterdam..snapped few photos..sungai agak beku actually but sonok tengok boat tu pecahkan ais..but I don't know which canal cruise is better, Amsterdam or Venice..sbb tak penah naik yg Venice punya..but plan to!!heheeee..
All aboard!!masa ni aku pakai 8 lapis sbb Amsterdam jauhhhh laggiiii sejuuuuuukkkkkk dari Paris!bukan aku dah gemok okayyy... =p
Masa ni dah nak balik Paris..the temperature was -8!!aku memang tak tahan masa ni..muka dah merah2..kaki dah beku..tangan dah kering sampai luka2..tapi sempat lagi bergambar heheh..
ingatkan balik Paris panaslah sikit, rupa2nya tidak sama sekali, malahan salji telah turun sekali lagi...anyway our train was delayed about one hour and a half but we received compensation in cash!!berbaloi rasanya hihi..
Well..that's all for my trip to Holland..enjoy peeps~
nk ikot jugakk!!!
ReplyDeletenk kasut crocs..
blanja ira :D
sze kt sne msti besar2 :D
kaki ira kalo kt msia size 9-10 yer..tgk cutting :) haha..
pastu..ira nk brg drpd sume kedai yg kak madiha g..bley kn?? ira kn adik yg akak paling syg :D
banyakla ko nye songel!saiz kat sini takdelah besar2 sgt..ok je..tapi kalo sale items, saiz kecik mmg cepat habes.. ;)
ReplyDeleteko g sane beli crocs ker gila?neway me love the entry.banyak pics.lame tak nampak online...nanti bebila buzz me k
ReplyDeletehahahah..bukan setakat crocs dan crocodile, alligator pun aku borong..hahaaaa
ReplyDeletekamu girl ... membawa kenangan aku balik sewaktu di holland. Rindu rasanya aku kat holland. Tapi rugi kamu tak pergi roterdam dan kat brugge di belgium tak jauh sangat naik train...cantik beb bangunan lamanya. Bersih dan indah. Dapat makan chocolate yang original panas panas lagi cuma kena hati hati takut ada gelatin. Lama aku kat Roterdam setahun setengah. Sana tak der orang melayu kan? Kalau ada pun orang surinam muka macam melayu. Apa lagi student malaysia. Aku lah sorang2 student malaysia kat sana dulu ...tapi aku tak nak duk sana lagi. Taubat. Makan seksa. Sampai mengelupas tangan aku masak sendiri> sekarang ni kalau siang bawang tak keluar airmata dah!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all gambar2 tu memang cantik terutama kat eifel tu, tempat yang amat teringin aku pergi nak tengok bekas awek aku terjun dari menara tu waktu gila kat aku dulu. Paris aku tak pergi sebab masa student dulu aku papa kedana. scholarship tak cukup euro amat tinggi.
thanks again.