Well, my short stay here in Oxford is just an informal visit..just grabbing the opportunity to find some references here in Oxford University Library..got to know new people here around Oxford..
High Street, Oxford..
Broad Street, Oxford..
Oxford Central Mosque..besarkan?
My house in Oxford is just 10 minutes away to the city centre by bus..I live with 3 Malaysian students from Oxford Brookes University..very nice girls I must say..It is a double-storey house with 5 rooms in it..Alhamdulillah quite comfortable for me & my mom..
Headington, Oxford..
Street towards my house..
This is my street..
This is my house in Oxford..
Obtained my Bodleian card on my second day..
Oxford University comprises nearly 40 libraries, located in departments, faculties and colleges. Its main research library consists of 3 buildings..
The Old Bodleian..
The New Bodleian..
The Radcliffe Camera..bila masuk library ni rasa macam masuk library Harry Potter..
But I spend most of my time here in the Radcliffe Science Library..here is where I found my references most..
The libraries sangat canggih..especially the Bodleian Library..aku sangat kagum..ingatkan Paris dgn Leiden punya dah canggih dah..rupanya tidak..adib, if u think Paris punya dah canggeyyy..come and see Oxford library..
The tower..
The oldest coffee house in Europe..the drink is very nice..
Oxford city is surrounded by university colleges..these colleges are actually yg membangunkan city oxford ni dan menjadikan ia tourist attraction..visitors may have to pay to see the inside of these colleges..a very unique way of developing a city..
Magdalen College..they have a park in it..
Keble College..this college is open for public..most of the colleges aren't..
Christchurch College..where Harry Potter movie shooting took place..
One fine day I walked alone in the city centre..from far I could recognize a Malaysian was walking from the opposite way..bila dah dekat suddenly we both stopped..eh macam kenal..she said, madiha ehhh??and I was like...aliah ehhh??hahaaaaa...it was my long lost friend!!we were schoolmates back in seaport..classmates actually during form 4..both terkejut..kat k.j tak jumpa tetibe kat oxford leh jumpa!haha what a small world..had lunch with her the next day and the next next next day.. =D
Both of us do our research in Oxford University..tapi amik gambar kat Oxford Brookes..hahaaa..kelaka...
hmmmmm..banggakan jadi anak Malaysia? =D
All of my housemates..except yg kiri sekali n the one on my left..just visiting oxford for a while...
Selingan: my mum went to Bath while we are in Oxford..haii sempat lagi berjalan..tapi aku tak ikut.. ;)
apsal bgunan2 die cm haunted ha? hahaha :)
ReplyDeleteehh..card library tu..date die bufday abg bahri..haha :)
sungguh byk library dia,,, nnt blik cdg ler kt um wat libraru bebayk..
ReplyDeletehaa tau takpe...say happy belated birthday to abg bahri k! =)